Stone Calculator
Material List
Total Square Feet:
Boxes needed (Flats) ? :
Pieces of Lath Needed ? :
Total Linear Feet:
Boxes needed (Corners) ? :
Weep Screed Needed ? :
Casing Bead Needed ? :
Contact Info:
5141 W 122nd St.
Alsip, IL
Selected Toro Product:
Installation Type:
Mortar Recommendations
Pre-mixed Mortar Reqs ?
Follow manufacturer’s recommendation for coverage.
1/2 inch Scratch Coating: ?
1/2 inch Setting Bed (back-buttering): ?
1/2 inch Grout Joint: ?
Sand and Mort Reqs ?
1/2 inch Scratch Coating:
0 lbs/Sand
0 lbs/Mort
1/2 inch Setting Bed (back-buttering):
0 lbs/Sand
0 lbs/Mort
1/2 inch Grout Joint:
0 lbs/Sand
0 lbs/Mort